Kamis, 26 Februari 2015

Perkenalkan, Inilah Japan Challenge (Di WMMT5 Sebelumnya WMMT4)

Japan Challenge is a special ghost challenge mode where player can race against random player's ghost in random city/prefecture of the country Japan.
Just like standard ghost challenge mode, player will earn dress up point when they win the race against other player's ghost.
However, there also are 2 kind of unique dress up parts those can only be unlocked from this Japan Challenge mode.

2.BLOCKS (10) & STAGES (50)

To complete one stage, you need to beat one same or higher level ghost or beat two lower level ghosts.

For example, let's say that your ghost level is 8 and compete in Chiba stage; if you race against level 8 or 9 ghost and win the race, you will be completing Chiba stage.
However, if you race against level 7 or lower ghost and win the race, you still need to race one more ghost in Chiba to complete Chiba Stage.

Also, you can't rechallenge stages that you've already beat until you finish all 10 different blocks.

1. Hokkaido Block (1 Stage):
1) Hokkaido

2. Tohoku Block (6 Stages):
1) Aomori
2) Iwate
3) Miyagi
4) Akita
5) Yamagata
6) Fukushima

3. INITIAL D Alias North Kanto Block (4 Stages):
1) Ibaraki
2) Tochigi
3) Gunma
4) Saitama

4. South Kanto Block (6 Stages):
1) Chiba
2) Tokyo 1
3) Tokyo 2
4) Tokyo 3
5) Kanagawa 1
6) Kanagawa 2

5. Hokuriku Block (4 Stages):
1) Niigata
2) Toyama
3) Ishikawa
4) Fukui

6. Tokai-Koshin Block (6 Stages):
1) Yamanashi
2) Nagano
3) Gifu
4) Shizuoka
5) Aichi
6) Mie

7. Kansai Block (6 Stages):
1) Shiga
2) Kyoto
3) Osaka
4) Hyogo
5) Nara
6) Wakayama

8. Chugoku Block (5 Stages)
1) Tottori
2) Shimane
3) Okayama
4) Hiroshima
5) Yamaguchi

9. Shikoku Block (4 Stages)
1) Tokushima
2) Kagawa
3) Ehime
4) Kochi

10. Kyushu-Okinawa Block (8 Stages)
1) Fukuoka
2) Saga
3) Nagasaki
4) Kumamoto
5) Oita
6) Miyazaki
7) Kagoshima
8) Okinawa

"Kecuali GT-R/GT-R SPEC V/SLS AMG/M1/M3 CSL/R8/VIPER/190 EVO-2user posted image
^ Example: Supra with Japan Challenge Sticker 2 and Illumination 2 Frame.
"Misalnya Supra RZ Dengan Sticker Japan Challenge 2 dan Frame Illumination 2"

5 Japan Challenge Stickers:

user posted image
1) Japan Challenge Sticker 1 (Griffins) - By completing 10 Blocks

user posted image
2) Japan Challenge Sticker 2 (Dragon) - 20 Blocks

user posted image
3) Japan Challenge Sticker 3 (Unicorn) - 30 Blocks

user posted image
4) Japan Challenge Sticker 4 (Cockatrice) - 40 Blocks

user posted image
5) Japan Challenge Sticker 5 (Phoenix) - 50 Blocks

15 Custom License Plate Frames:

user posted image
1) Illumination 1 = By completing 1 Block

user posted image
2) Stripes 1 = 3 Blocks

user posted image
3) Logo = 6 Blocks

user posted image
4) Dot Pattern = 12 Blocks

user posted image
5) Gallaga = 15 Blocks

user posted image
6) Colored (Red/Yellow/Orange/Green/Blue/Light Blue/Purple/Black) = 18 Blocks

user posted image
7) Stripes 2 = 23 Blocks

user posted image
8) Pac-man = 25 Blocks

user posted image
9) Illumination 2 = 27 Blocks

user posted image
10) Plated (Gold/Silver) = 31 Blocks

user posted image
11) Dot Pattern 2 = 34 Blocks

user posted image
12) Stripes 3 = 38 Blocks

user posted image
13) Stripes 4 = 42 Blocks

user posted image
14) Dot Pattern 3 = 45 Blocks

user posted image
15) Illumination 3 = 47 Blocks

Double(2x) Dress Up Point

Player will earn double dress up point upon completion of;

- 2 Blocks
- 4 Blocks
- 5 Blocks
- 7~11 Blocks
- 13 Blocks
- 14 Blocks
- 16 Blocks
- 17 Blocks
- 19~22 Blocks
- 24 Blocks
- 26 Blocks
- 28~30 Blocks
- 32 Blocks
- 33 Blocks
- 35~37 Blocks
- 39~41 Blocks
- 43 Blocks
- 44 Blocks
- 46 Blocks
- 48~ Blocks

Defeat one ghost (regardless of level) = 1 coin
Complete one block = 3 coins
Complete one cycle (10 blocks) = 10 coins

Players will gain their rank by completing number of stages as shown below.
1st Cycle:
5 stages
10 stages
25 stages
50 stages 

2nd Cycle:
75 stages
100 stages

3rd Cycle:
125 stages
150 stages

4th Cycle:
175 stages
200 stages

5th Cycle:
250 stages 

Senin, 23 Februari 2015

Online Champion Match "Third Fukuoka Area"

To All Player
Online Champion Match Is Starting Date In 27 February 2015 "Termasuk Main Draw dan Qualifier"
Qualifier2015/2/27 6:00 ~ 2015/3/14 22:00 /Japan Time
Main Draw2015/3/15 6:00 ~ 2015/3/22 21:00 /Japan Time
Bagi Semua Pemain Maximum Tune 5 Di Seluruh Internasional dan Indonesia (Termasuk Jawa,Kalimantan,Sulawesi Selatan dan Sumatera) Serta Member Dari B1912YFL Team Yang Ingin Berpartisipasi Dengan OCM Tersebut Harus Bisa First Place dan Juga Bisa Dapat Plate Prize dan Padahal Saya Belum Main Di OCM Third In Fukuoka Area
Next OCM Is Nagoya Area

Sabtu, 14 Februari 2015

Member Dari B1912YFL Teammate (Team of WMMT5)

Inilah Nama Member Serta Leader dan Vice Team Berikut Ini:
Founder/Leader dan Vice:Christian Patrick
1.Kedua Member Yang Dari Medan (Setelah B1912YFL Teammate Dibuat Sekitar 14 Januari 2014 atau 12 Februari 2014 Lalu).
2.Marcellino Sebastian (Sejak WMMT5 Sudah Ada Di Medan Sekitar 22 Desember 2014).
3.Bevan (Setelah Marcellino, Kini Sudah Menjadi Member Sekitar Date Yang Sama Yaitu 22 Desember 2014).
4.Alexander Agung Wirabumi (Karena [_DRAGON_ Teammate] Bubar Karena Adanya Camaro Yang Namanya "?" Diambil Orang Jakarta, Dipastikan Setelah Imlek Berakhir atau Menjelang Online Champion Match Dimulai "Antara Tanggal Periode Pertama:22 Februari atau 1 Maret dan Periode Kedua:1 Maret atau 30 April" Akan Saya Accept).
5.Vania Zauhair (Karena Belum Kenal Saya dan Member Dari B1912YFL Team Ini, Jadinya Coming Soon)
Ada Juga Apa Saja Yang Member atau Calon Member Untuk Pindah Team
1.Izin Untuk Ke Team Orang (Misalnya Si Jonathan Tjandra Yang Ingin Join Team Lain)
2.Izin Untuk Member atau Calon Member Sebelum Masuk Team(Misalnya Si Alexander Agung Wirabumi Yang Rencananya Mau Join Team Saya) dan
3.Izin Untuk Join Kembali Ke Team Saya. Serta
4.Izin Untuk Intro/Perkenalkan Diri Kepada Saya dan Member Dari B1912YFL Team dan Izin Masuk Team
5.Izin Untuk Vakum (Alasannya Apa, Misalnya Karena Bosan)
Dan Yang Ada Mau Join Team Misalnya:
1.Test Drive (Terserah Tapi Jalur Yang Ditentukan Oleh Calon Member Saja Tapi Akan Saya Aprove) dan
2.Lawan Ghost Saya (Terserah Mau Dijalur Belokan atau Jalur Lurus Akan Saya Aprove)
(Sementara Belum Ada Calon Member Untuk B1912YFL Teammate ini dan Soal Masalah Aprove Member, Tanggal Mainnya Diundur Karena Adanya Masalah Ortu Sama Soal Pelajaran Sekolah Yang Harus Diselesaikan)
"Ingin Masuk Team Saya, Izin Dulu Baru Test Drive dan Tergantung Gender Asalkan Harus Punya Skill atau Tidak Perlu Skill Untuk Rebut King Misalnya:Saya Rebut King Yokohane Area (Khusus Cowok atau Cewek) Yang Penting Rank Tidak Berpengaruh Pada Apapun"

Moment of Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5 3/3